Sunday, 29 May 2022

More Official Character Art

 Here is the second of my official character portraits.  

This time, Vaylan the mage.

Sunday, 22 May 2022

Episode 3 Shownotes

 Thank you

I would like to thank everyone who has listened to Legend of the Bones.  In a world where we are bombarded with content, I truly appreciate you giving mine your time.

I would also like to give a huge thank you to Jon from Tale of the Manticore 
and Abel Enzo from The Iron Realm, for their support, encouragement and for inspiration that their shows have given me.

Audio credits:

Intro & Main Theme: Cold Northern Stars by imaginerum

Parts 1 & 3: This Too Shall Pass by Scott Buckley

Dramatis: I Walk With Ghosts by Scott Buckley

Part 4: Dark Air by Colin Root

 Incidental sound effects sourced from


Character Profiles

Religion and Cleric House Rules

Magic House Rules

Random Tables


Friday, 20 May 2022

First Official Character Art

I plan to do portraits of all my characters, plus other art as the mood takes me.  Here is my first, this is my vision of Kyr, the Rogue

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Legendary Art from Roland Diaz!

The uber-talented Roland Diaz @TowJumpR posted these amazing character portraits on Twitter. I'm blown away to get some fan art after just 3 makes all the hard work leading up the launch worthwhile. Thank you Roland!

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Episode 2 Shownotes

 Thank you

A huge thank you to the following folks for their encouragement and support:

Abel Enzo from The Iron Realm

Audio credits:

Intro & Main Theme: Cold Northern Stars by imaginerum

Part 1: Predator or Prey by Darren Curtis

Dramatis: Falling Together by Scott Buckley

Part 2: The Last Fight by Melancholic Bird

Combat: Epic by BenSound

 Incidental sound effects sourced from


Character Profiles

Religion and Cleric House Rules

Magic House Rules

Random Tables


Monday, 2 May 2022

Episode 1 Shownotes

Thank you

A huge thank you to the following folks for their encouragement and support:

Abel Enzo from The Iron Realm

Audio credits:

Intro & Main Theme: Cold Northern Stars by imaginerum

Dramatis: Beautiful Oblivion by Scott Buckley
Beautiful Oblivion - Scott Buckley - Creative Commons Music Library

Part 2: The Last Fight by Melancholic Bird

Combat: Epic by BenSound

Part 3: Sorrow by Melancholic Bird

Incidental sound effects sourced from

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Episode 0 Shownotes

Thank you

A huge thank you to the following folks for their encouragement and support:

Abel Enzo from The Iron Realm

Audio credits:

Intro & Main Theme: Cold Northern Stars by imaginerum

Character Creation: Serene by victorwayne

Part 1: Ocean Floor by Finval

Dramatis: Phoenix by melancholic bird

Part 3: The Last Fight by Melancholic Bird

 Incidental sound effects sourced from


Character Profiles

Religion and Cleric House Rules

Random Tables

Episode 52 Show Notes

  Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Aud...