Religion & Clerics


Miracle lists for Priests and Clerics can be found here

New Miracle Descriptions

Descriptions for new miracles can be found here

The God(s)

The principle Human religion in Erden is that of 'The Nine'. The faith believes that there are Nine benevolent Gods, and whilst each has a specific sphere of influence, they work together in unison. It is a matter of debate among scholars and priests as to whether the Nine are different Gods, or simply aspects of One God.

Regardless, the Priesthood of Nine, known as 'The Wise' do not restrict their worship to a specific God, rather their worship focuses on the different Gods/Spheres depending on the situation, feast days etc.

Some Gods/Spheres do serve as patrons to particular groups, and theologians may specialise in studying a specific God/Sphere, but people do not restrict themselves to singular worship, but rather pray to the pantheon as a whole.

The Nine Gods are as follows:

Solan - God of the Sun, Fire and Light. The giver of life, Solan is represented by the central hub of the wheel and it is no coincidence that the spokes symbolise the rays of the sun. It is Solan that connects the other Gods/Spheres

Erda - Goddess of the Earth, Fertility and Nature. Erda is the wife of Solan and is represented by the North point of the Wheel.

Vannir - God of Water, Rivers and Lakes. Vannir is represented by the South East Point of the Wheel.

Torven - God of the Sky and Storms. Torven is represented by the East Point of the Wheel.

Havlar - God of the Wind and Sea, Havlar is represented by the West Point of the Wheel. He is the patron of sailors

Hernnoth - God of the wilderness, beasts and the hunt. Hernnoth is represented by the North East Point of the Wheel. He is the patron of hunters and is often depicted as a wolf or surrounded by them.

Nya - Goddess of Dreams, Birth and Death. Nya is represented by the South East point of the Wheel, but also the rim which symbolises the wheel of life. Her realms are found in the cycles and transitions of the world, which includes the star-filled heavens. Nya represented natural and ordered change.  She is the patron of Newly-Weds, Midwives, Mothers and those who grieve.

Mythra - Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and justice. Mythra is represented by the South West point of the Wheel. She is the patron of Scholars

Kayla - Goddess of Love, Emotions and Humanity. Kayla is represented by the North West point of the Wheel. She is the patron of Lovers, Artists, and Musicians

The Five

Whilst The Nine represent the benevolent God(s), they are opposed by dark forces, known colloquially as The Five. As with The Nine, it is unclear whether The Five are different deities, or aspects of a single dark god. The Five are represented by an inverted pentacle, and as such this symbol is often used in black rituals.

The Five gods/aspects are as follows:

Mordgren - God of the Underworld (Hell), Forbidden Knowledge and Darkness

Feleg - God of Pestilence and Decay

Crevyk - God of Greed and Envy

Varlac - God of Wrath, Wanton Violence and Destruction

Salethra Goddess of Gluttony and Lust

The Old Ways

The Old Ways is less a religion, but rather folk belief connected with the natural, and by association the super-natural world.  It focuses on the power of natural places, spirits, fay creatures, and magic.  Gods exist in the Old Ways , but tend to be minor deities, which are associated with, or personification of natural places and things, for example a specific river, or the moon. Tis means there are hundreds of minor 'gods'. Belief in the Old Ways is central to the culture of realms not yet converted to the Church of the Nine, for example Llanrhys and Skanvia, and as such, the Waela (the people of Llanrhys) and the Skane (Skanvia) are considered pagans by other cultures. As the Church of the Nine began to rise to prominence around 800 years ago, it marked these old ways as heretical, and with it, mages.

Demi-Human Religion

Dwarves - Dwarven culture is monotheistic, and their god is known as Vaagrûn, the World-Smith.


The gods are very real, and religion plays a big part in human social structures. Clerics and Priests (known as The Wise) are held in high regard by most folk.  Priests in training are known as Novitiates, and only become a fully ordained Priests when they receive 'The Word'; when one of the Gods speaks to the priest by answering their call.

The titles used by priests and Clerics differ, depending on their function as follows:

Priests spend the majority of their time in temples, churches and other religious buildings, providing spiritual guidance to a community.  When a priest has overall responsibility for a religious building, they are known as 'Father' or 'Mother', otherwise they are known as 'Brother' or 'Sister'.

Clerics spend the majority of their time away from religious centres, spreading the word, acting as missionaries or perform deeds in the service of their gods.  Clerics are always known as 'Brother' or 'Sister'.

In game terms, this is when the the Priest reaches level 2 and has the prayer for their first miracle answer.

The miracles and blessings of the Gods are not automatic though and as such, the following rules apply to Clerics:

  • Clerics of the Nine receive a +1 to reaction rolls with any law-abiding human

  • Clerics who fail to abide by their deity’s strictures will have favour removed and become a ‘Sinner’.  Sinners will no longer be able to pray for miracles and blessings until they have ‘Walked the Path of Atonement’

  • The Path of Atonement will be some feat or ordeal to prove the Cleric’s faith and devotion.  This will be determined by the referee.

  • Miracles (Clerical Spells) are not prayed for at the start of the day, rather, a number of times per day (as per standard spells per level) the Cleric can pray for a Miracle.

  • In order for a Miracle Prayer to be answered, the Cleric must pass a successful Wisdom check.  This reflects the Cleric calling for their Deity’s aid with earnestness and humility.   

  • If the Wisdom check is failed, the prayer is not answered and Cleric may not pray for the same Miracle again that day.

  • A roll of Nat 1 results in a ‘Great Blessing’ being bestowed by the Deity as a reward for the Cleric’s piety. (roll on the Great Blessing table).

  • A roll of Nat 20 results in the Cleric offending their Deity and invoking ‘The Wrath of the Gods, as their Deity makes their displeasure shown (roll on the Wrath of the Gods table)

Prayer Wrath of the Gods / Great Blessing Table

Roll 1D6

Wrath of the Gods

Great Blessing


The effect is reversed (e.g. wounds are caused rather than healed)

Double the effect (e.g. duration, damage/healing, area of effect)


The Cleric is rebuked by their Deity, who will not answer further prayers for Miracles for 1D4 days

The Cleric’s soul is flooded with divine inspiration and their Deity will respond to a prayer for 1 additional miracle of the same level that day.


The Cleric suffers 1D6 wounds per level as the Deity strikes them down

The Cleric is healed 1D6 wounds per level, or a permanent disfigurement (e.g. amputated limb, blindness) is restored as decided by the DM


The Deity tests the Cleric’s faith by striking them blind for 1D4 days

The Cleric receives a holy vision, message or some other divine communication which bestows some important information


The Cleric’s holy symbol is revoked and becomes a mundane item.  The Cleric will need to acquire a new symbol before  they can pray for Miracles or turn undead.

The Cleric’s holy symbol is imbued with a holy (magical) power determined by the DM


The Cleric is cast out as a Sinner and loses all cleric status and benefits until they have walked ‘The Path of Atonement’

The Cleric is physically marked with some sign of the Deity's favour.  They become ‘the blessed’ and no longer require their holy symbol to pray for miracles or turn undead.


Miracle lists for Priests and Clerics can be found here

New Miracle Descriptions

Descriptions for new miracles can be found here

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Episode 52 Show Notes

  Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Aud...