Sunday, 16 October 2022

Episode 10 Shownotes

 Thank You 

A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to the show, and particularly the following folks for their encouragement and support:

Abel Enzo from The Iron Realm

Audio credits:

Intro & Main Theme: Cold Northern Stars by imaginerum

Part 1: Monomyth - The Vision by Scott Buckley

Part 2: Monomyth - The Distant Sun by Scott Buckley

Part 3a: Defiled Temple by TabletopAudio

Part 3b: Red Sun by VictorWayne

Part 4: Celestial by Scott Buckley

Incidental sound effects sourced from

Voice Actors

Thank you to the show's amazing voice talent:

Maben was voiced by Jim Hurst


Character Profiles

Religion and Cleric House Rules

Magic House Rules

Random Tables


Roll 2D4Four Rivers Mine Encounter Table
2Gas pocket - Character with highest Wisdom score makes a perception check. If successful, they have 1 round to extinguish naked flame, else there is an explosion causing 1D6 points of damage. In addition, there is a 3 in 6 chance the explosion will cause a collapse (see below)
31D6 Swarms of Bats
41D6 Giant Rats
52D6 Skeletons
62D6 Zombies
71D4 Lost Miners
8Cave in / Collapse - Make a surprise check, if not surprised, Characters must pass dexterity check or be buried alive, causing 2D6 points of damage. Characters that survive cannot escape and will die of thirsty/hunger in days equal to their half their constitution (rounded down), unless rescued.


Ink on Paper

Episode 52 Show Notes

  Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Aud...