Sunday, 29 January 2023

Episode 15 Shownotes

 Thank You 

A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to the show, and particularly the following folks for their encouragement and support:

Abel Enzo from The Iron Realm
Che from Roleplay Rescue

Audio credits:

Intro & Main Theme: Cold Northern Stars by imaginerum

Part 1a: Where Stars Fall by Scott Buckley

Part 1b: The Last Fight by MelancholicBird

Dramatis: Falling Together by Scott Buckley

Part 2a: Dark Spectrometer (source unknown but royalty free)
Cavern of Lost Souls by

Part 2b: Celestial by Scott Buckley

Part 3: World in Ruins by Rage Sound

Behind the Screen: Moving Picture Atmosphere 014

Incidental sound effects sourced from & &

Voice Actors

Clem was voiced by Michael Phillips @auryx

Lillia was voiced by Braedon Rogers

Man in Cave was voiced by Ben Hodges @loafingstone


Character Profiles

Religion and Cleric House Rules

Magic House Rules

Random Tables


Thursday, 12 January 2023

New Art

Here is a Digital portrait of Laana that I recently completed.

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Episode 14 Shownotes

 Thank You 

A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to the show, and particularly the following folks for their encouragement and support:

Abel Enzo from The Iron Realm

Audio credits:

Intro & Main Theme: Cold Northern Stars by imaginerum

Part 1: Last and First Light by Scott Buckley

Part 2a: The Summoning by Scott Buckley

Part 2b: The Distant Sun by Scott Buckley

Part 2c: The Vision by Scott Buckley

Part 3c: The Last Fight by Melancholicbird

Part 3d: Last and First Light by Scott Buckley

Behind the Screen: Moving Picture Atmosphere 014

Incidental sound effects sourced from &

Voice Actors

Clem was voiced by Michael Phillips


Character Profiles

Religion and Cleric House Rules

Magic House Rules

Random Tables


Episode 52 Show Notes

  Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Aud...