
In Legend of the Bones, Bards are a particular type of musical magic user. They are only found in cultures which revere the old ways, for example Llanrys where they are colloquially known as Spellsingers, and in among the Skane, where they are known as Skalds. Elsewhere, musicians may use the title, but they have none of the power of true Bards.

For this class, I am using the rules as laid out in the Old School Essentials Advanced Set, which in itself is based on AD&D 1e, but with the following house rules:

  • Bards can only wear Leather armour
  • The Bard 'Enchantment and Anti-Charm abilities do not apply. The magical ability of Bards is entirely covered by the spell list.
  • Bardic magic is not based on Druidic Magic (Druids do not exist in Legend of the Bones)
  • Bardic magic is separate and distinct, and the spell list is unique to Bards, and centre around music and sound
  • The range of spells available to Bards is much smaller than other spellcasters
  • The Bard must be able to use their voice, or an instrument to cast a spell
  • Like mages, the Bard must pass a successful intelligence test to cast a spell
  • The miscast and over-charge house rules for mages also apply to Bards
From 2nd level, a bard has a 2-in-6chance of knowing lore pertaining to monsters, magic items, or heroes of folktale or legend. This ability may be used to identify the nature and powers of magic items.

Bards learn new languages as they advance in level. At every even numbered level above 3rd (i.e. 4th, 6th, 8th, etc.), the player may choose an additional language. 

Bard Level Progression

Saving ThrowsSpells
LevelNo. Sessions To LevelHit DiceTo Hit BonusDWPBS1234

*CON modifiers no longer apply
D: Death/Poison; W: Wands; P: Paralysis/Petrify; B: Breath Attacks; S: Spells

Bard Spell list

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Poetic Prose











Great Can






New Spell Descriptions

Level 1 Spells

Name: Poetic Prose
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 30ft
Description:The Bard speaks in verse at the target, and the beauty of their words sways the target's reaction towards the Bard, bestowing a +2 to any Charisma check or Reaction Roll. The target must be able to hear, and understand the Bard's language.

Name: Dance
Duration: As long as the Bard continuously plays
Range: 60f
Description: The Bard's music compels anyone that can hear in earshot to dance. This does not prevent the target from performing other actions e.g. attack, but any actions are performed at a -2 penalty. The Bard must play continuously otherwise the spell is broken. Targets may make a Save vs Spell to resist the effects.

Name: Pitch
Duration: 1 round
Range: 30ft
Description: The Bard creates a pitch so high that any creature that can hear within hearing range, may move but is unable to act due to the extreme discomfort the sound causes. Any affected creature with acute hearing (for example, most mammals), is unable to neither move nor act and also suffers 1 point of damage. The Bard themselves are not affected. In addition, any non-magical brittle objects or materials as ruled by the referee are shattered as a result of the sound. Affected materials include glass, pottery, egg shells, ice, crystals

Name: Resolve
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 60ft
Description: The Bard's words and /or music imbues allies that can hear with earshot with greater resilience and endurance. Any affected ally receives +1 to all saving throws for 1 Turn. The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell, and the Bard themselves do not receive the benefit.

Bedded gobaith e'n hollonai pow (Let there be hope for us all)
Bedded dewrder i hollonai bawb (May courage be given to all)

Name: Songbird
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 60ft/240ft
Description: The Bard sings magical notes that attracts a nearby songbird (within 60ft), and when the animal responds with song, the Bard is able to psychically inhabit the bird, controlling it for the duration of the spell.   The bard will experience all of the animal's senses whilst maintaining their human intelligence and understanding. e.g. they can understand known languages, but cannot speak.  Should the Bard move the bird further than 240ft away, the spell is broken and the creature returns to its natural state will no ill effect.  Whilst inhabiting the animal, the Bard's real body is unable to move, speak or take any action; if they are attacked or injured in this state, the spell is broken

Level 2 Spells

Name: Lullaby
Duration: 8 Hours
Range: 30ft
Description: The Bard's words and/or music soothes any humanoid or animal (but not unnatural monsters) within a 30ft radius, sending them to sleep. The sleep can be interrupted, but if uninterrupted, upon waking those affected regain 1D4 Hit Points in addition to any natural healing. The Bard if unaffected themselves and cannot benefit.  Target's may try to resist the affects, and can stay awake if they pass a Save vs Spell.

Name: Earworm
Duration: 1 day
Range: 60ft
Description: The Bard's words and /or music gets stuck in the minds of anyone who can hear in earshot, going around and around in their heads. Such is the annoyance of the sensation, that it is difficult to concentrate on any task that requires mental effort. Any intelligence based tests are made at a -2 penalty for the duration. The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell, and the Bard themselves do not receive the benefit. Targets may make a Save vs Spell to resist the effects.

Name: Rally
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 60ft
Description: The Bard's words and /or music emboldens allies that can hear with earshot. Any affected ally is immune to fear (including fear caused by spells) for the duration. In addition, allies receive a +2 bonus to any morale checks. The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell, and the Bard themselves do not receive the benefit.

Name: Rouse
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 60ft
Description: The Bard's words and /or music stirs the emotions of allies that can hear, rousing them to greater ability. Any affected ally receives +1 bonus to hit. The Bard themselves do not receive the benefit. The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell, and the Bard themselves do not receive the benefit.

Name: Imbue
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 20ft
Description: The Bard's music resonates within an object of the Bard's choosing, imbuing it with the magical energy of the song. The object counts as magical for the duration, and all the while omits a melodious sound. The Bard must play/speak for 1 Rounds to invoke the spell

Level 3 Spells

Name: Evoke
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 60ft
Description: The Bard's words and /or music evoke an emotional response from any creature that can hear and understand the Bard's language. Affected creatures must save versus spells or be afflicted by one of the following emotions of the Bard's choosing:

Calm: Subjects begin to feel calm, any aggressive action e.g attack, intimidation are done so at a -2 penalty.

Hate: Subjects gain a +2 bonus to attacks, damage, saving throws, and morale. Hate counters ongoing hopelessness effects.

Hopelessness: Subjects are utterly demoralised and will dejectedly follow enemies’ orders (e.g. to surrender or leave). In combat, there is a 1-in-4 chance of a subject doing nothing each round, and a 1-in-4 chance of them retreating. Hopelessness counters ongoing hate effects.

Rage: Subjects go berserk, gaining a +1 bonus to hit and +3 to damage. Subjects fight without thought for their own lives and will not use shields. Subjects also gain 5 temporary hit points. These may take a subject above its normal maximum, but disappear when the spell ceases. Rage counters ongoing fear effects.

Love: Subjects become besotted with the first person they see after the spell takes effect. They will always act to protect the subject of their love, gaining a +1 bonus to hit and +1 damage against anything threatening their love

The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell, and the Bard themselves are not affected. Targets may make a Save vs Spell to resist the effects.

Name: Remember
Duration: Instant
Range: 30ft
Description: The Bard's words and/or music enhances the ability to recall for anyone that can hear within earshot. The result is that magic users can immediately recommit to memory 1 random spell which has already been cast. Affected targets may also make a +2 intelligence check to recall a piece of information. The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell, and the Bard themselves do not receive the benefit.

Name: Forget
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 30ft
Description: The Bard's words and/or music causes anyone that can hear within earshot to be lost in whimsical thought, so far that they forget everything for the duration of the spell . The result is that magic users cannot cast any spells for the duration (including Priests and Cleric as they forget the correct words for prayers). The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell. Targets may make a Save vs Spell to resist the effects.

Name: Free
Duration: Instant
Range: 30ft
Description: The Bard's words and /or music breaks the magical chains created by magically induced paralysis and charm. Any creature that can hear, that is subject to paralysis or charm, is immediately freed. The Bard must play/speak for 3 Rounds to invoke the spell.

Level 4 Spells

Name: Transfix
Duration: As long as the Bard continuously plays
Range: 60ft
Description: The Bard's words and/or music causes anyone that can |||||hear within earshot to be totally captivated. Whilst they can move (in fact, they often sway to the music), they cannot attack, or take any action. Creatures affected will not flee but may defend themselves, but with a penalty of -2 to their Armour Class. The Bard must play continuously otherwise the spell is broken. Targets may make a Save vs Spell to resist the effects.

Name: Beguile
Duration: As long as the Bard continuously plays
Range: 60ft
Description: The Bard's words and/or music causes anyone that can hear within to become totally enchanted. Creatures affected will regard the Bard as a friend and act to defend them if threatened. Affected creatures will follow the Bard and obey commands providing they are not contrary to their beliefs/alignment, nor will they obey commands which would cause them harm. The Bard must play continuously otherwise the spell is broken. Targets may make a Save vs Spell to resist the effects.

The spell also affects animals and monsters with up to 4 hit dice.

Name: Great Can
Duration: As long as the Bard continuously plays
Range: 60ft

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Episode 49 Show Notes

Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Audio...