Character Generation and Progression

Character Creation

The rules for character creation are as those laid out in the B/X D&D rules, with the following modifications:  

  • Attributes are determined by a straight roll of 3D6. 
  •  Any roll of 6 or less is rerolled. 
  • If the prime requisite of the character is under 13, it is rerolled. This is the only time a reroll will be allowed.  Everything else is as the dice show.  
  • Characters start with the maximum number of Hit Points for their class 

Each character will be defined by the 6 standard attributes: Strength (Str), Intelligence, (Int), Wisdom (Wis), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con) and Charisma (Cha).

In addition, Legend of the Bones uses the optional rule of ascending armour class, with unarmoured characters with no Dexterity bonus starting with an Armour Class of 10.


Legend of the Bones does not employ the way B/X D&D deals with experience and levelling up, which focuses purely on defeating enemies and finding treasure. This approach ignores all the other things that a character might realistically learn from. 

Therefore, in Legend of the Bones, Characters (and NPCs for that matter) level up after 8 episodes/sessions up to level 3 and every 10 episode/sessions thereafter.

So in other words, for every session played, the character receives 1 experience point, with the following XP accumulated for each level:

LevelXP Required

At the point of a level-up, the following process is followed:

  • Additional Hit Points are rolled, and 'min-out' at half.
  • To represent the Character becoming more capable through their experiences, A D6 is rolled for each attribute, if a 6 is rolled, that attribute increases by 1, however, no attribute can ever exceed a score of 18.
  • Magic Users receive new random spells as per their level as defined in B/X D&D. Spells are determined from those available in the Magic section.



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Episode 49 Show Notes

Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Audio...