Level 1 Spells
Name: Charm Animal
Discipline: Hedge
Duration: The charm lasts indefinitely, but the subject is allowed to make further once per month.
Range: 120’
Description: Similar to Charm Person but on any normal, non-magical Animal up to 5 Hit Dice. The spell does not allow the caster to speak to, command or understand the animal, but the creature will behave in a friendly, non-hostile manner. Domesticated animals will obey simple, commands they would normally understand.
Incantation: Heddwch, ffrind fonheddig. Bydd lonydd
[Phoentic: Heth-auk, Frind fon-hethig, bith lon-ith [translation: Peace, noble friend. Be still.]
Name: Flame
Discipline: All
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Range: Caster
Description: A small flame like that of a candle, lights in the palm of the caster’s hand for a number of minutes equal to their intelligence or until extinguished by closing the hand.
Name: Gift of Tongues
Discipline: All
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Range: Caster
Description: The caster may understand and speak (but not read) any humanoid language for a number of minutes equal to their intelligence.
Name: Gust
Discipline: Hegde
Duration: Instant
Range: 60'
Description: The caster causes a gust a wind to blow. The gust is strong enough to extinguish fire equivalent of a torch, or knock over objects of up to 2lbs in weight
Name: Herb Heal
Discipline: Hedge
Duration: 6 Hours
Range: Touch
Description: The caster prepares and administers a herbal poultice to a wound, transferring nature's healing power from the plants to the wound in the process. Providing the poultice is continuously worn for 6 hours, the target is restored by 1d3 hit points.
Name: Lure
Discipline: Sorcery
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 120’
Description: The caster compels 1D4 targets per level of the caster to move to a specific location in range for 1 turn. The targets maintain all other aspects of free-will, and will not put themselves in clear danger, for example, by walking off a cliff, but the overwhelming desire to move to the location cannot be ignored. The targets maintain all other aspects of free-will but the overwhelming desire to move to the location cannot be ignored. If restrained, the target will attempt to continue, but not act with hostility to those attempting the restraint. Line of sight is not required, but an awareness of the target's presence and location is. Targets may attempt a save v spell to resist the effects.
Name: Marsh Lights
Discipline: Hedge
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Range: 240ft
Description: The caster create 3D6 lights, like distant torches or lanterns. Whilst in sight, the caster may move them in specific directions, at a move rate of up to 120', but may not take any other action while doing do. Otherwise, the lights will move independently in a random direction, slowly fading as the duration ends.
Name: Nauseate
Discipline: Sorcery
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Range: 60ft
Description: The caster cause 1 target to vomit violently for 3 rounds. The target cannot take any action. There move is reduced to a quarter. Any attack on the target during the spell effect is made at a +2 to hit. If the target makes a successful save versus spell, the effect is reduced to 1 round.
Name: Push
Discipline: All
Duration: Instant
Range: 120’
Description: The caster causes an invisible force to push the target back 1D8 yards. Any collision with hard objects causes 1D4 hit points of damage. In addition, there is a 3-in-6 chance that the target is knocked prone. The caster can target inanimate objects as well as living creatures. Targets more than twice the size of the caster are pushed 1D4 yards and will never be knocked prone. Targets more than 3 times the size of the caster are unaffected.
Incantation: bydded i chi fod gwrthyrru [Phonetic: Bith-ed i hhi fod gwer-theri] [Translation: Be you repelled]
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