Pursuit Rules

Here are my simple house rules for pursuit. These rules have been designed for urban pursuit scenarios but could work in dungeon and wilderness settings with some tweaking.

The rules are loosely based on those found in the 4th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay; personally I'm ok to magpie good stuff from other systems, but I appreciate it might be a step to far for D&D purists.

Simple Pursuit Rules

Step 1 

Check movement rates. If the same move rate then follow steps 2-8. If different then apply a +1 to +3 modifier to the movement roll (Step 6) of the faster party.

Step 2

Establish the quarry head start as a numerical value. This could be DM defined or roll 2D6

Step 3

Roll initiative. 

Step 4

DM rolls on the event table (below) to determine what actions may be taken.

Step 5

Actions are taken. Some actions may require a modifier. Example actions may be to create or overcome an obstacle, climb, hide, shoot, throw, tackle

Step 6

Move. Both pursuer and quarry roll 1D6. If the pursuer wins, the difference is subtracted from the quarry's head start. If the quarry wins the roll the difference is added to head start.  If the Head Start falls to 0, then the quarry has been caught. If the Headstart reaches 12, the quarry has escaped.

Step 7

Every 6 rounds, both the Quarry and Pursuer must make a Constitution check. A failed roll will apply a -1 to their move rolls for the remainder of the pursuit. Penalties for further failed Constitution checks are cumulative.

Repeat steps 3 to 7 until the pursuit is resolved.


Urban Event/Obstacle 


No Result


No Result


Livestock in Street


Trader with basket of produce

Quarry can create an obstacle on a successful Dexterity check. If so, Pursuers must make a successful Dexterity check or take a -1 modifier to move roll


Barrels on Cart / Stacked outside tavern. 

Quarry can take a -1 move modifier to create an obstacle on a successful strength check. If so, Pursuers must make a successful Dexterity check or take a -3 modifier to move roll


Crowd - Busy Market, around an Agitator etc. 

Both parties make a successful Dexterity check or take a -2 modifier to move roll


Climbable Wall

When they reach the wall both parties must make a successful Dexterity check to climb over it.  A failed check means that party does not get a move roll that round.  The climb can be attempted again on the next round, else the party must back-track (see Dead End Alley)


Dead End Alley

Make a high/low roll.  If the result is high, there is a door into a building.  The DM should determine whether the door is locked etc.

If there is no door, or if the Quarry cannot open it, then they must back-track.  If this happens, the Pursuers get a free move die.


Guard/Watch patrol. 

Pursuers can make a Charisma check, if successful the guards join the pursuit. 

For the remainder of the pursuit, the pursuers roll an extra move dice and choose the best result.


No Result


No Result


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Episode 50 Show Notes

Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Audio...