Rangers are folk who live in, or make their living from the wilderness. They may be hermits, hunters or simply wanderers. They are skilled at tracking, hunting and making use of natural resources.
Restrictions & Penalties
Rangers suffer a -1 penalty to charisma checks and reaction rolls with city dwellers.
Rangers are only surprised on a roll of 1. This may mean that a ranger is able to act in the surprise round while their companions are surprised.
Foraging and Hunting
A party with a ranger can more easily find food when foraging (2-in-6) or prey when hunting (5-in-6).
Herblore and Healing
Rangers are able to identify all common herbs and plants, and have a 4-in-6 chance of foraging enough medicinal plants to treat one character, restoring 1 hit point. A single character can only be treated once per day.
With sufficient natural resources, a ranger may spend 1D4+2 hours building a temporary shelter to protect up to 6 people from the elements.
In the wilderness, a ranger has a 3-in-6 chance of hiding and a 3-in-6 chance of moving silently.
Rangers can identify and follow tracks. This skill improves as the character gains levels (see the table to the right). Success may be modified by the following factors:
▶ Soft/hard ground: +20% to –50%.
▶ Size of group being tracked: +2% per creature beyond the first.
▶ Passing through an area where other tracks mingle: –50%.
▶ Age of tracks: –5% per 12 hours.
▶ Rainfall: –25% per hour.
▶ Efforts made to hide tracks: –25%.
Ranger Tracking Chance of Success
Rangers may only wear leather armour
Rangers may not use shields
Rangers may not use two-handed melee weapons or polearms
Ranger Level Progression
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