Kerow Du

The fortress of Kerow Du was once the domain of a powerful warlord. His queen, Neidra, was sister to the Warlord, Vortgern.  When her brother forged the crown of the five jewels, and made his bid for power, her husband refused to pay homage, and instead took up arms against the tyrant.  But Neidra’s marriage had been a union of politics; she never loved her husband, and so she murdered him by placing a viper in the bed he shared with his mistress.  
Neidra allied with her brother as he crushed and cowed those that would stand against him.  But the crown of five jewels corrupted all who bowed before it, and Neidra became known for her cruelty and malice; often throwing captives and slaves, including children, into pits filled with vipers for her own amusement…and through the screams of the tormented, Kerow Du became a place of fear, pain and suffering.

Following the defeat of Vortigern by the hand of Derwen at the Battle of Carolan, Neidra fled back to Kerow Du, and it was here, with her enemies closing in, that Neidra offered her soul to powers of darkness and in return for protection.
And darkness answered her call, for the surrounding land became a blighted and desolate place, attracting all manner of fell creatures to protect her domain.

The keep itself is a mixture of stone and timber.  The timber has most rotted away, and the stonework is broken and crumbling in a number of places.  The stonework is limited to the ground floor, except for the towers whose upper floors are also stone.  The upper timber floors  of the rest of the keep have been destroyed by weather and time.

0. Grounds - The walls surrounding are cracked and crumbling, and in places have fallen completely.  The doors are off their hinges and lay rotting on the floor.  Inside the walls, the area is 260ft wide and the building is 70ft aheadground is sparsely covered in patches of dead grass, and the dried husks of old weeds.  A dead willow tree stands near the eastern wall, near which is a statue of a warrior.  On closer inspection, the face of the statue wears an expression of fear.  A set of low stairs lead up to the entrance doors of the building.  

One of the outbuilding appeared to have been a forge.  There are rusty blacksmith's tools lying about, an anvil and a furnace.  A thorough search reveals a small bundle hidden in a hollow under a crate.  The bundle contain a small vial of anti-venom.

Unless the character move to avoid detection, 1 turn after entering the grounds, 3 Harpies at the top the South East tower will begin to Sing.  This has 2 effects.  Firstly, it alerts the Serpentine Guards (see entrance hall), and secondly, anyone failing a Save v Spell will go immediately, and with caution into the entrance hall where they will be ambushed by the Serpentines.

Encounter: Harpy
Treasure: Vial of Anti-Poison

1. Entrance Hall

This chamber's wooded first floor in no longer intact, leaving it open to the elements.  There are 3 exits;  1 set of double doors ahead to the North, and archways leading off both west and east.  As soon as the party enter the hall, 4 Serpentine Guards emerge from the South-East Tower and attack.

The guards wear scale armour (treat as mail) and are armed with Falchions (D8 Damage)

Room Size: W50ft x L30ft
Encounter: Serpentine Guards x4
Treasure: Falchion x4, Scale Armour x4

2. South East Tower

This tower is largely intact, save 2nd floor which has lost its roof, and part of the wall has crumbled away.  The ground floor is a guard room where the Serpentine are on guard.  the first floor is their living quarters.  Here among the filth straw mattresses is 50 silver shillings.  A small table stands between 2 of the mattresses upon which is a Lantern with 5 flasks of oil.  Under the table is a chest (locked but not trapped) containing 2 potions of healing.  If the chest is broken open, there is a 50% chance the healing potions will be smashed in the process.

The 2rd floor is been used an eyrie by a Harpy.  Anyone approach up from the stairs will cause the Harpy to take flight (If it has not already fled).  From here they will sing, and any entranced character will walk off the top of the tower, falling 50 feet and taking 5D6 damage upon impact with the ground

Room Size: W12ft x L12ft
Encounter: Harpy
Treasure: 70 Silver Shillings, 1 Lantern, 5x Flasks of oil, 2x Healing Potion

3. South West Tower

The upper floors of this tower have completely collapsed, leaving the ground floor filled with rubble and debris.  Among the rubble are 2 strange humanoid skeletons, where the skull is that of a giant serpent. Near the skeletons are 2 rusty falchions and coins worth 20 silver shillings.

Room Size: W12ft x L12ft
Encounter: None
Treasure: 20 Silver Shillings, 2x Rusty Falchion (-1 to damage)

4. Mead Hall

The Mead Hall was once the centre of life at Kerow Du but it has now fallen into disrepair.  The timber vaulted ceiling is badly damaged, and many holes leave the hall open to the elements.

Along the East wall are 5 door leading to sleep quarters used by the Blind Acolytes, and one door at the far end leading to the North East Tower

Along the West wall are 3 doors.  The first leads to the armoury,  the next to leads to rooms that were previously the Lord's Chambers, and the furthest portal leads to the North West Tower.

In the centre of the hall is a pit, 12 feet in diameter.  The pit is lined with stone blocks and drops 20 feet.  At the bottom of the pit are 12 vipers, and a number of skeletal remains.  Anyone falling into the pit will suffer 2D6 damage from the fall, and will be immediate attacked by the snakes.

At the far end of the hall is a raised dais, upon which is a stone idol, 10ft tall.  The idol is that of a creature whose lower part are those of a great coiling snake, and whose upper parts are those of a bare-breasted woman.  The eyes of the serpent-woman are Garnets, which permanently radiate the Mind Sight spell, allowing the Blind Acolytes to to 'see' when within 50ft of the idol.

During waking hours, up to 8 Blind Acolytes can be found worshiping here 

Behind the Dais are stairs leading down to the Underkeep

Room Size: W50ft x L70ft
Encounter: 8x Blind Acolyte
Treasure: 2x Garnets (Value 50GP each)*

When within 1ft of each other, the Garnets permanently radiate a power equivalent to the spell Mind Sight.  If this power is known, and Gems sold together, the value is multiplied by 5.

5. Retainer Chambers

Once the chambers of the warlord's close retainers, these rooms are now used as sleeping quarters by the Blind Acolytes.  Each contains 2 cots, a table and a unlocked chest with the personal effects of the acolytes; typically a few coins, a book, writing implements and spare clothes. 

Room Size: W10ft x L12ft
Encounter: 2x Blind Acolyte during sleeping hours
Treasure: 2D6 Silver Shillings

6. Armoury

Room Size: W10ft x L12ft
Encounter: None
Treasure: Scale Mail, Spears, Hand Weapons, Shields

7. Lord's Chambers

Room Size: W20ft x L12ft & W10ft x L12ft
Encounter: Acolyte Leader (during sleeping hours)

8. North East Tower

Room Size: W12ft x L12ft
Encounter: Giant Centipede
Treasure: None

9. North West Tower

The door to the North West Tower is locked (not trapped).  Beyond, it's clear that the ground floor has been used as a prison cell.  In truth, this is where the Blind Acolytes keep sacrificial victims.  Currently, the cell in empty, but after a minute or two of entering a Ghost of a young woman will appear.  

A reaction roll should be made.  If negative, the ghost will take on a terrifying visage, resulting in a -4 penalty to the Wisdom (fear) check (see below).

The ghost cannot speak, but will directs the party to a loose stone in the wall of the cell, where they will find a bronze pin-broach.  A name, 'Sirhc', is scratched into the back of the loose stone.

If the PCs ask her questions, she will give visual responses (nods etc) 

In life the ghost was was called Kerensa, a young woman was from the nearby town of Porthyeyn.  She came to Kerow Du seeking a cure to her father's blindness, having been told about the existence of the Mind Sight jewels by the mage, Lamorna.  However, Kerensa was captured by the Serpentines and  sacrificed by being thrown into the Viper Pit for the Serpent Queen's amusement.

Kerensa wants the PCs to take the locket back to her brother, Sirhc, so that he may know of her fate. 

The stairs to the upper floors have crumbled away.  Access to the upper levels would require alternative means, however, the upper floors have been abandoned with nothing of discernible interest.

Room Size: W12ft x L12ft
Encounter: Kerensa (Ghost).  Character must pass a Wisdom check or age 2D6 years, and be forced to flee.
Treasure: Kerensa's Bronze Pin-Broach (Value: 2 Silver Shillings)

10. Vestry
This is where the acolytes prepare themselves for rituals of enucleation.  All around the room is a continuous stone bench above which are hung robws on pegs.  There is a pedestal in the centre of the room, carved with strange runes, and on top, a wide bronze bowl containing a healing water.  Bathing a wound with  the water restores 1D4 Hit Points.  If decanted from the bowl, the water loses its healing properties.

Room Size: W20ft x L25ft
Encounter: Blind Acolytes if holding an enucleation ritual
Treasure: None

11. Shrine

Room Size: W40ft x L20ft
Encounter: Neidra casts 'Lure'
Treasure: 24" diameter Gold Sun Disc worth 1000 Gold

12. Crypt

Room Size: W20ft x L25ft
Encounter: None
Treasure: Warlord's Sword 'Kaleskledha' meaning 'Hard Sword'.  This is an enchanted weapon, whose blade never dulls.  The sword confers a +1 to damage (not to hit)

13. Under Keep

In the centre of the chamber is a wide column which is an enclosed circular room. This is the bottom of the Viper Pit shaft, whose only openings are two small windows through which Neidra can observe the deaths of those sacrificed to her.  

In the wider chamber, there are a dozen or so statues of warriors in various states of torment, and a number of floor standing braziers which offer light and warmth.

Towards the South-west corner, is Neidra's nest constructed from a variety of cushions and surrounded by hanging drapes.

Room Size: W75ft x L40ft
Encounter: Neidra, The Serpent Queen plus 5x Serpentine Handmaidens
Treasure: Neidra's  Bronze snake's head staff (1D6), Chest containing 300 Gold Pieces, Neidra's spellbook, 2x Potions of Healing, 1x Scroll (Random 2nd level spell)

14. Viper Pit

The viper pit is a cylindrical chamber in the middle of the Under Keep.  It has two barred windows approximately 5 feet from the ground.  The pit is filled with the bones of sacrificial victims who have been thrown into there over the years.

Room Size: W12ft x L12ft
Encounter: Vipers x 12
Treasure: None

Custom Creatures

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Episode 50 Show Notes

Thank You  A huge thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported the show, and particularly those who have contributed to it. Audio...